Deze pagina is bedoeld om uw reactie, feedback of suggestie aan ons kenbaar te maken. Wij waarderen elke reactie.

Bedankt dat u de moeite heeft genomen om ons te berichten!



#15 Juma Said 06-09-2019 13:02
Asante kwa kazi nzuri munawo fanya.
Umbarikiwe sanaa.
Mkazi wa Kisarawe
#14 Elineca 03-03-2018 06:11
You doing a wonderful job. Educating girls is educating the family and the nation as well. Are you familiar with the total number of Primary school and secondary school in the District (kisarawe)?
#13 seydou 12-08-2016 10:12
great work d
#12 True Grasses Team 12-08-2016 10:12
Dear Deo,We appreciate your support and love towards us and humbled too. We miss you and your family and many shouts from us and rich blessings.we looking forward to having you here at the center one
#11 Oundo Deogratius 12-08-2016 07:36
I am grateful Simon that you are doing this great work with your wife. I pray the Lord will honestly bless you and enrich your efforts for the development of the community.The Lord shall bring many pe
#10 Vicient 11-08-2016 10:00
'Learning gives knowledge, knowledge gives confidence, confidence gives character and character creates a person'! Iam impressed of the great work True Grasses is doing in this community and let us co
#9 Seydou 05-06-2016 17:35

Just as Major Owens once said "Education technology and school construction go together. Modernization, updating education facilities, and making a capital investment in education are all included." let us help True Grasses put up a two classroom building for the poor communities of kisarawe in Tanzania :lol:

#8 Simon Nambafu 07-01-2016 18:12

As we approach another new year season, with all the joy, excitement and merriment that is part of the tradition I am delighted to extend Season’s Greetings to all of the stakeholders, friends, associates and partners of True Grasses. Your support during the year 2015 helped us on the journey to fulfill our Mission of being the catalyst for community empowerment and change. We thank you for your support and endorsement of our efforts and we pledge to work even more closely with you as we seek to empower the communities through education and self suitability in Tanzania. We wish you a very happy year filled with peace, joy and productivity.
Simon Nambafu

#7 Jeanette 29-12-2015 20:05

Amazing projects. Wonderfull to see the kids from nursery are already been taught so much. The place for the coming lodge is a recommend fot everyone to spend a blessed relaxing holiday. The school near Dar es Sallaam will empower the whole community. It's been a blessing te see this by my selve. Keep up the good work!! :roll:

#6 Amy Mitchell 20-10-2015 18:19
So wonderful to read about this ministry! God's blessings upon you all - may His joy ever be Your strength in doing His will!
#5 Simon 19-09-2015 05:48
Great job Chris! Happy to see this in place.
#4 Christian 17-09-2015 08:22
The new comment section is available now. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to let us know.

De nieuwe communicatiebox is gereed. Laat ons uw feedback, suggestie of mening weten door het hier in te vullen.
#3 Anna Ruth 06-08-2015 13:40
Beste Willem en Ingrid Duijn, Hartelijk dank voor jullie bemoediging via deze weg! Wij zijn God dankbaar dat wij dit werk mogen doen voor Hem en Zijn mensen. Ook bedankt voor jullie interesse en mochten jullie meer willen weten, wees altijd welkom om te vragen aan ons of mijn zus!
#2 Willem en Ingrid Duijn 30-07-2015 16:16
lieve Anna Ruth ,wat een geweldig werk doen jullie in tanzania , gister hoorden we van je zus Jeannet van jullie projekt .Gods zegen jullie zijn waardevol voor God en mensen liefs Willem en Ingrid Duijn(voorgangers vd Levend Woord Gemeente).
#1 Jeanette 30-07-2015 15:00
Still amazed 8) about the beautifull website, and the wonderfull things that are done:!: